Sharing Your Information for Profit

Since its inception, has been marred with controversies, which then showered the Obama administration with immense criticisms. The latest one may have even more Americans dismayed. According to a new Associated Press report, which was later confirmed by the … [Read more...]

Report: Changes in Census survey will prevent true analysis of Obamacare effects

The New York Times published a bombshell Tuesday when it reported that the Census Bureau would be dramatically transforming the way its conducts its surveys that will make it extremely difficult to conduct any authentic analysis of the effects of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act … [Read more...]

United Healthcare Expands Global Services

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated recently announced plans to be a major stakeholder in healthcare benefits provided to the country of Brazil. This announced deal is in the amount of $4.9 billion in cash. The spending of these invested monies will allow UnitedHealth to purchase 90% of … [Read more...]