Barclays, is offering 1.00% APY on high-yield online savings account with $0 opening balance requirement. The bank does not charge additional fees for account maintenance, minimum balance maintenance, or other services. The bank also provides secure access to the account 24/7 … [Read more...]
1.00%APY on Online Savings Account at Barclays

Barclays, is offering 1.00% APY on high yield savings account with $0 minimum deposit and no fees for account maintenance. This offer is available for online savings account and the interest is compounded on a daily basis. You can access your account on a secured server at any time … [Read more...]
Commerce Department Reports Stronger Economic Growth in Third Quarter

Consumer spending and home building gains boosted U.S. economic growth, which was also propelled by a consumer confidence level which reached a five-year high in October. The Commerce Department reported gross domestic product increased 2 percent in the third quarter, after a rise of … [Read more...]
Barclays Paying 1.25% APY on 24 Month CDs

Barclays is paying 1.25% APY on certificates of deposit for 24 months. The bank does not require savers to make a minimum deposit to qualify for the offer. Another financial institution is offering this rate - CIT Bank. It provides this through its Achiever CD for the 24 month … [Read more...]
Barclays Offering 1.40% APY on 36 Month CDs

The online operation of Barclays for the US, is offering 1.40% APY on CDs for 36 months. The rate can be earned even without making a minimum deposit. The deal is one among the highest for the 36 month term. The highest is from AmTrust Direct, which pays 1.55% APY on $1,000 … [Read more...]