BasedAI Mainnet Launch, Decentralized AI for a Private Future
December 03, 2024 - Today marks a pivotal moment in the realm of artificial intelligence as BasedAI by Based Labs proudly announces the launch of its mainnet. This event signifies a transformative step towards decentralized, private, and secure AI technology. BasedAI … [Read More...]

How to be a Successful Forex Trader
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Forex Trading Chapter 2: History of Money and Origins of Forex Trading Chapter 3: Forex Trading Terminology Chapter 4: Important Aspects of Forex Trading Chapter 5: Players in The Forex Market Chapter 6: Factors that Affect the … [More]

How Do ADR Work
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What are ADR (American Depository Receipts) Chapter 2: How Do ADR Work Chapter 3: Types of ADR Chapter 4: Investing in ADR Navigate This Page Chapter 2: How Do ADR Work - Pricing of ADR Chapter 2: How Do ADR Work? A typical ADR … [More]

Investing in ADR
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What are ADR (American Depository Receipts) Chapter 2: How Do ADR Work Chapter 3: Types of ADR Chapter 4: Investing in ADR Navigate This Page Chapter 4: Investing in ADR - Factors to Consider Before Investing in ADR - Political … [More]

Choosing Your Investment Strategy
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Trading Stocks Chapter 2: Different Categories of Stocks Chapter 3: Functioning of The Stock Market Chapter 4: Stock Market and Price Movements Chapter 5: How to Buy Stocks Chapter 6: Choosing Your Investment … [More]

Why Trade in the Forex Market
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Forex Trading Chapter 2: History of Money and Origins of Forex Trading Chapter 3: Forex Trading Terminology Chapter 4: Important Aspects of Forex Trading Chapter 5: Players in The Forex Market Chapter 6: Factors that Affect the … [More]

401k Plans
Table of Contents Types of Bank Investments Certificate of Deposit Types of IRAs 401k Plans Types of Bond Investments Fixed Income Investing Navigate This Post 401k Plans 401k Plans 401ks are also employee retirement benefit plans, which allow individuals to … [More]

How to Determine Your Financial Goals
Table of Contents Chapter 1: How to Determine Your Financial Goals Chapter 2: Setting Priorities to Reach Your Financial Goals Chapter 3: Short Term Goals vs. Long Term Goals Chapter 4: Focus on Feasible Financial Planning Goals Chapter 5: Review Your Financial Goals … [More]

Investing in Stocks
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Growing Your Wealth with Investments Chapter 2: Learn How To Invest Chapter 3: Cash Investments Chapter 4: Investing in Stocks Chapter 5: Investing In Bonds Chapter 6: Investing in Real Estate Chapter 7: Investing in Mutual … [More]

Trading Options with Spreads
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What are Option Spreads Chapter 2: Vertical Option Spreads Chapter 3: Calendar Option Spreads Chapter 4: Diagonal Option Spread Chapter 5: Trading Options with Spreads Chapter 5: Things to Keep in Mind when Trading with Spreads Option … [More]

Diagonal Option Spread
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What are Option Spreads Chapter 2: Vertical Option Spreads Chapter 3: Calendar Option Spreads Chapter 4: Diagonal Option Spread Chapter 5: Trading Options with Spreads Navigate This Page Chapter 4: Diagonal Spread - Reverse Diagonal … [More]

Top 10 Lowest Paying Jobs
In several nations across the world including the United States, the people who are employed in customer service oriented jobs, are among the lowest paid workers. Experts reveal that this is possibly due to the fact that the job itself often requires little or no skill at … [Read More...]

Top 10 Corporate Scandals
Corporate scandals have always been shocking news for investors and stakeholders. Typically these scandals involve understating the company’s expenses, overstating earnings, overstating value of the assets or/and under reporting current liabilities. A corporate wrongdoing … [Read More...]

Top 10 Mortgage Lenders in the United States
Finding the most suitable mortgage lender for your home loan can be daunting as well as time and effort intensive. Whether you are a first mortgage seeker or looking to refinance your existing mortgage, knowing the best mortgage lenders in the country will help narrow down … [Read More...]

Top 10 Most Expensive Cars
Cars may be just a way to commute for some, but for many it’s a passion. In this article, we talk about some of the hottest and the most expensive cars in the world. The most expensive cars list is topped by the Swedish manufacturer Koenigsegg’s car followed by a car … [Read More...]

Top 6 Political Scandals in Russia
Russia once enjoyed superpower status but the current economic scenario is in stark contrast to its achievements in the Soviet era. But an even bigger problem is the extent of corruption and scandals in Russian politics. They have not only created a bad reputation of the … [Read More...]

Top 6 Political Scandals in China
China is an emerging superpower with a literacy rate of 90.9% and multi trillion dollar economy. Though its communist government is power yielding, it has encouraged privatization that has contributed to the country's rapid growth. With its defiance of western political … [Read More...]

Top 10 Most Depressing Jobs
Depression experienced by individuals in a profession is largely dependent on the kind of pressure they face. This can be related to the responsibilities laid on them, the time frames in which they work or the amount of control they have over a situation. Organizational … [Read More...]

Top 10 Most Expensive Homes in the World
The world’s most expensive homes’ list starts with the most recently completed Antilla in Mumbai and ends with an ancient Dracula’s Castle in Romania. While geographically these homes share very little in common, all the homes on this list can lay claim to affluent owners, … [Read More...]

The Top 6 Ways That Obama is Ruining Our Economy
Back in 2008, Democratic President hopeful Barack Obama fielded criticisms for the tax plans he proposed for the American people if he got elected. They were deemed ‘socialist’ by his Republican rivals. Today, President Obama faces stark criticism of the very same tax … [Read More...]

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs
If you are not going the entrepreneurial way or earning big fat bonuses as an I-banker, then the medical profession is the place to earn the big bucks. Compensation data reveals that the medical profession pays the highest when it comes to earning wages. Here is the list of … [Read More...]

How Search Engines Make Money & How You Can Too
Google has revolutionized the stock market as much as it has the internet. Starting with its application of its legendary real-time auction model to its initial public offering, Google has continued to exceed expectations for its bottom line as an investment opportunity. … [Read More...]

The Opposing Sides of Structured Settlement Annuity Payments
In simple terms, a structured settlement is an annuity awarded to a plaintiff due to a personal injury lawsuit settlement. The goals of the buyer and the seller of structured settlement annuity payments are, for the most part, entirely opposed. But despite the contrast in … [Read More...]

Using 5-part Dupont Analysis to Understand an Investment Opportunity
Using the Dupont approach to analyzing a company’s Return on Equity provides an investor with valuable information about where it is that their return is coming from. By breaking down RoE into as many as five component aspects, we can see how it is that changes in each … [Read More...]

How to Manage TDSR and GDSR
Having gone through the last two articles to understand what TDSR and GDSR are, we are now in a position to dig into exactly how it is that lenders look at these two metrics, and some simple strategies that borrowers can use to improve their applications through these … [Read More...]

Corporate Bonds and High Yield Bonds
The next major investment trend that I want to point out surrounds debt, but in a different way than previously discussed. Granted, most of us don’t even want to think about debt after such a terrible decade for mortgages and credit cards, but it is important to remember the … [Read More...]

Increased Demand for Energy Infrastructure
So far, all of the major trends we’ve discussed have revolved around expanding consumer demand, as a result of population growth and changes in income dynamics. However, this kind of growth has some implications for growth of the economy as a whole. Specifically, as consumer … [Read More...]

Accessing Safer Foreign Bond Yields
In the age of modern volatility, you need yield. Be it dividends, coupon payments, or GIC returns, it is extremely difficult for a small-time investor to build a personal portfolio centering on capital gains. However, unless you’ve stocked up on a year’s worth of anti-acids … [Read More...]

Excessive Profit and The Moral Responsibility of Structured Settlement Companies
Working with structured settlement companies spanning three decades, I have witnessed a lot over the years both good and bad. One of the questions I often struggle with is how to define an excessive profit in a structured settlement transaction. I often reflect on the … [Read More...]

How Do Patent Companies Create Value?
One of the hottest sectors to invest in over the last decade has been the technology space. However, technology securities are also notoriously volatile, and dangerous. It takes a sophisticated investor, capable of quickly dealing with new information as it arrives, and … [Read More...]

Applying Value Analysis to Income and Cash Flow
The first things you should ever look at when analyzing a company is its top and bottom lines. How much money is this company making, and how much is it keeping? From there, you can work your way throughout the gritty details about where it is all the money is going, and … [Read More...]