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One lucky dog could end up with a $78,000 luxury vacation


When the family goes on vacation for a week or a month, the pet dog or cat is usually confined to the miserable conditions of a kennel. As the family enjoys fun in the sun, the dog or cat has to spend several days inside of a cage. It’s certainly not a fun experience for the average cat or dog, but for one lucky pooch, it might not have to endure one., a firm that specializes in offering a one-of-a-kind luxury experience, is working with Paw Seasons luxury dog hotel in Bristol, England to provide one special dog the “Most Spectacular Luxury Dog Holiday” package.

The package comes with anything that is deemed luxury: fashionable wardrobe, specialized massages, surfing lessons and much, much more. With supreme luxury also comes a hefty price-tag: $78,867.26, but Knobil, founder of the website, told ABC News that the family dog will be a very lucky one when the family has fun.

“It’ll definitely be an individual or couple who enjoy an extravagant lifestyle,” said Knobil. “While they go off to the Caribbean they want their pet to have an equally enjoyable, extravagant stay where they are. It’s for those who enjoy the finer things in life and have a sense of humor. They have a soft spot for their dog and want them to have the best time possible.”

English BulldogAt the time of this writing, there haven’t been any customers to dole out more than $78,000 for such extravagance, even though it has been around since last summer. In today’s difficult economic climate it can be quite understandable. However, Knobil and other parties involved are confident someone will come forward because a portion of the proceeds will go to two worthwhile causes: $10,000 will be split between Cancer Research UK and Battersea Dogs Home.

What can a dog expect on this unique travel package? Here’s just a brief list of what a dog will enjoy:

It’s likely that someone will eventually come forward to buy this package. We reported that American households spent close to $56 billion last year on their dogs, cats and other pets on food, litter, veterinary care, grooming supplies, toys and a lot of non-essential items.

This year, that number could very well swell to $60 billion.

In Canada, according to a report entitled “Canadian Pet Market Outlook, 2014,” consumers are spending $6.6 billion on their pets and that figure is projected to soar to $8.3 billion within the next four years. The rising costs are being driven by dog spas and gourmet food.

“People want to make sure that their pets remain healthy and they are going towards services that we could equate to their own health,” said Louis McCann, president and CEO of  the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council of Canada.

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