Bitcoin Violates Numerous Laws According to Indonesia Central Bank

The central bank of Indonesia is the latest Asian governmental body to warn against widespread bitcoin (BTC) adoption. In a report by Kontan (via Google translate), Bank Indonesia deputy governor Ronald Waas confirmed that using digital currency like bitcoin is in violation of … [Read more...]

eBay UK Allowing Sale of Virtual Currency: Could eBay become the Next Exchange?

On Feb. 10, eBay UK will be establishing a dedicated Virtual Currency category on its website's classified section. The category will permit users to buy and sell all kinds of virtual currencies, including bitcoin (BTC), litecoin and others. “To promote a trustworthy marketplace … [Read more...]

I Hope Bitcoin Destroys Central Banking, Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne

Speaking in an interview with Kurt Wallace on Rare, CEO Patrick Byrne made it clear of two things: he thinks Nobel Laureate Keynesian economist Paul Krugman is crazy and that his hope is that bitcoin (BTC) destroys central banking. Byrne had lambasted Krugman for his … [Read more...]

Ron Paul on Cryptocurrencies: I Support Competing Currencies

What’s in your cryptocurrency wallet? Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin or even a Coinye? Well, what about owning some RonPaulCoins named after three-time presidential candidate and bestselling author of “End the Fed” Ron Paul? This month, the RonPaulCoin has been making headlines as it has … [Read more...]

Purchase Sacramento Kings Tickets and Merchandise with Bitcoin

Bitcoin (BTC) continues to evolve and become more mainstream. Starting March 1st you can purchase tickets to watch the Sacramento Kings and merchandise through their online store using bitcoin. The Kings have partnered up with one of the leading bitcoin payment processors, BitPay. … [Read more...]

Bitcoin Could be The Best Investment in Computer History

There have been many bold predictions about the future value of bitcoin (BTC). In the past year, the digital currency has increased substantially from just a few dollars to as high as $1,200 – it’s currently trading at just over $800, which is still quite high. One business expert … [Read more...]

Wells Fargo May be the First Bank to Adopt Bitcoin

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Bitcoin Boom – ATMs, BitLicenses New York and Toronto

Over the past year, bitcoin (BTC) ATMs have started to become ubiquitous all over the world. Entrepreneurs interested in the cryptocurrency industry have already launched such machines in Vancouver, Hong Kong and San Diego with more being planned in other major metropolitan … [Read more...]

Did David Marcus CEO of PayPal Just Publicly Say PayPal Supports Bitcoin?

David Marcus CEO of PayPal may have just hinted that PayPal is a supporter of bitcoin (BTC). As first reported on reddit you can see David Marcus tweets in the image below that "We're believers in BTC". We already know that David Marcus owns bitcoins "I really like Bitcoin. I … [Read more...]

New Bitcoin Insurance Service and Increased Merchant Acceptance Despite China Crackdown

Elliptic Vault, a United Kingdom-based startup underwritten by Lloyd’s of London, is using deep cold storage to become the first company in the world to offer insurance for bitcoin (BTC) owners. According to the company’s website, the bitcoin storage service insures deposits of … [Read more...] Now Accepting Bitcoin – Bitcoin Value on the Rise (NASDAQ:OSTK) is now accepting Bitcoin (BTC) for purchases on their website. Overstocks CEO Patrick Byrne has been hinting that they would accept Bitcoin in the future but seeing it go live today was unexpected. Bitcoin is an online digital currency that is quickly … [Read more...]