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iPad Pro by Apple: Find Out What Could be New


Apple has previously released over 7 generations of its iPad in the past 5 years. Now the company seems to be developing a newer, bigger version of the famous tablet for consumers to be launched by the end of 2015.

No confirmed specs have been released for the device by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL); however many credible sources have leaked some information about the upcoming piece of technology by the iPhone makers. The new tablet, as reports suggest, will be somewhere in between the size of 12.2” or 12.9”, when measured diagonally. This size is significantly larger than the previous version of the iPad that the company is currently selling, the iPad Air 2, released in October 2014, which measures around 9.7”.

This increase in size seems to be in conformity with Apple’s recent focus on developing larger devices, with the iPhone 6 Plus being the largest iPhone to have ever come into existence. However, industry analysts doubt the size would be anywhere near that large, as any tablet above the 10” scale is too big for the average consumer. Hence, they doubt the authenticity of the reports.

The leaked information, which forms the premise of the 12.2-12.9 inches tablet claim, constitutes leaked images of the mold allegedly being used by Apple for the development of a new piece of technology, of the same size the reports claim the new iPad will be.


Industry analysts, however, argue that the mold may very well be for the production of the new 12.2” Apple MacBook Air, which is also another device that Apple Inc. is expected to release within this year. So, again, the size of the upcoming iPad Pro remains uncertain.

However, what is certain about the upcoming iPad Pro is a Stylus pen, which would be accompanying the iPad Pro as a separate piece of equipment. According to credible sources, the stylus is currently under development for use with the upcoming iPad Pro, as has been outlined in various patents which have been purchased by the company in the past.

The new stylus being developed by the company is no ordinary stylus, according to industry experts. Analyzing the designs outlined in the various patents secured by Apple for the development of the stylus, the new stylus may very well incorporate 3D handwriting functions, allowing users to write with the pen on their iPad Pro in 3D. The stylus may also incorporate wireless charging capabilities, allowing it to charge the device by a single click of a button.

However, where the production of the stylus is made certain by such reports, just as the production of the new iPad Pro is certain, features of the device cannot be guessed so surely. The patents secured by Apple, which are in hundreds every year, outline many features which the company seldom incorporates within its technological pieces. Hence, the features outlined on the patents which may formulate the design for the new stylus cannot be made certain due to this very reason.

As far as the release date of the iPad Pro is concerned, that remains the biggest mystery of all. The upcoming Apple Watch is expected to be released in the month of March, a report which has not been confirmed by Apple Inc. Speculative industry experts have estimated the release date of the iPad Pro sometime in the fourth quarter of 2015.

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