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Earn 2.25% With High Interest Middlesex Savings Bank Account


Earn 2.25% APY when you open a high interest savings account at North Middlesex Savings Bank. You can only earn 2.25% on the first 10,000.00 dollars then 0.25% on anything over 10,000.00 dollars.

There are however some restrictions and rules as usual:

1. The savings account must be opened in person at one of seven locations in Massachusetts.

2. You must deposit a minimum of 50.00 dollars per month in person into your account. If you miss just one deposit you will only earn 0.25% for that entire month.

Basically what North Middlesex Savings Bank is trying to do is get you into the bank so they can sell you something else. There reasoning is so they can get to know you the customer better. Eh, either way it’s a good deal if you can deposit 50.00 bucks a month in person.

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