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Google wants OEMs to improve Android branding


If Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) has anything to protect, it has its reputation. Moreover, in today’s global marketplace, where you have thousands of competitors, reputation is everything. So, that may explain why Google is tightening its rein around its OEM partners and expecting them to augment their Android marketing and branding messages.

As it stands, both the Galaxy S5 and HTC One (M8) have specific Android branding placements, which appears to be set up by Google. When you turn on either of the devices, you will see “Powered by Android” appear on the screen. It seems a fair way to ensure the brand is at the forefront of users’ minds, especially if they enjoy their phones.

AndroidGoogle is making calculated efforts with all of their OEMs. Of course, it should seem natural. Android has a 95% market share of smart phones and tablets, yet some OEMs do not even make it clear that Android powers their systems. For example, certain Galaxy devices do not even mention Android at any of their press events or within any of their marketing materials.

Some users even confuse Galaxy with Android. However, it might be a strategic move on Samsung’s end, since they are attempting to convert their phones to their own OS called Tizen. Samsung might be cutting its connections to Android, slowly.

On the other hand, Samsung did reach a deal with Google to license each other’s patents. This agreement covers future technology for up to 10 years. So, in the meantime, Samsung will show more reverence towards their partnership with Google. Both companies benefit the other, so working together helps their bottom line a lot more than it would if they were strictly competitive. It is expected that more phones will show the “Powered by Android” on their boot screens, as well.

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