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Google Wallet integrated with Google Glass will allow users to transfer money by saying keywords


Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) is planning on integrating its Google Wallet with Google Glass. The idea is to allow Google Glass users to eventually be able to transfer money simply by saying “send money.” Google is on the lookout at the moment for more and different ways to use its innovative device. You can already do a fair amount of clever functions with Google Glass such as taking photographs by winking, or getting directions directly into your eye.

At the moment Goggle’s Gmail users are able to send money to one another, but the process is overly complicated, and requires 9 different steps. Google is probably hoping that by integrating Google wallet with Google glass, it will help to promote the struggling service. Google Wallet has not yet proved particularly popular with a lot of users, even though it provides an option for payments on the go, via smartphones.

google walletGoogle Waller for Google Glass is expected to be a much simpler system than has been used to date. Although not all the details have been revealed, many experts believe it will use a combination of voice commands, and simple taps. Of the 56 apps that have already been made available for Google Glass, only one involves money. The app Concur, is a handy app that utilizes the built in camera on Google Glass to allow the user to take photographs of receipts. This is to aid people when dealing with their expenses reports and taxes.

The new app is currently only in the testing phase within Google itself and has not yet made it to the thousands of people participating in testing Google Glass around the country.

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