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Google lobbying against Google Glass restrictions


With the advent of Google Inc.’s (NASDAQ:GOOG) Google Glass; legislators in at least eight states are scrambling to regulate the use of the device. The belief is that Google Glass will affect drivers similarly to the way texting did, causing distractions and fatal car accidents. Of course, Google Glass looks like a simple piece of eye wear, but it can be used to surf the net, read email and even play games. It is unclear how well that will bode for drivers on the highway.

On the other hand, Google has already started lobbying in Illinois, Delaware and Missouri to convince them not to pass such legislation. Google does not feel it is necessary, nor do they think of Google Glass as a driving hazard. Naturally, Google would want to protect their asset. They current retail for around $1,500 and the market is expected to be a billion-dollar industry. Having legislation that prevents wearers from using them on the road could produce an adverse affect for Google.

Google GlassGoogle has not yet reached out to New York, Maryland and West Virginia, although they may do so shortly. Google argues that legislation is putting the cart before the horse because there has not yet been enough use or accidents to give it any grounds. As an illustration, a San Diego woman was relieved of a ticket she received for wearing Google Glass because there was no evidence she was using any of its applications while driving.

However, Illinois state Senator Ira Silverstein doesn’t believe Google’s point about the product not being widely used enough to warrant restrictions. Silverstein responded by saying,”Who are they fooling?” About state policy issues focusing on tech, Google stated, “We think it is important to be part of those discussions.”

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