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Google infuses Chrome with Google Now


Google Now is a service that claims to give you the right information at the right time. For example, you can get daily weather alerts, traffic reports, sports scores and more. The information is displayed in a card-format, which makes them user-friendly and easy to read. Also, Google makes note of the cards you choose to make relevant suggestions for future inquiries.

On Monday, Google Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) started rolling out Google Now for Google Chrome. Initially, it was only available as an app on iOS and the Google Play store.

ChromeGoogle explained the update in a recent blog post, “Google Now on Chrome shows a subset of the Now cards you see on your mobile device, which uses your device’s location. You’ll only see location-based Google Now cards on your desktop for devices that have Location Reporting turned on.”

Even if you aren’t running Chrome, you might still get notifications based upon your mobile phone’s Location Reporting settings. To illustrate, if you are heading home from work, Google may warn you of possible traffic along your normal route.

The transition should be simple. Users can enable the settings to work on Chrome through their mobile accounts.

Google Now made its debut on Chrome last month. However, it was only a beta version and accessible to a controlled number of subscribers. Also, it was only written in English. Now, it is available to all users in all languages. The feature will continue to roll out over the next few weeks.

Furthermore, the Google Now app was updated to include real-time traffic alerts. So, you get automatic reports of accidents or obstacles on the highways. You can sign up for Google Now online or through your mobile phone.

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