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Google Chrome JavaScript engine gets overhaul and kicks web apps into overdrive


Google Inc., (NASDAQ:GOOG) wants its web apps, in the browser, to move more quickly. The good news is they will. Heightening Google Chrome’s Javascript engine was the key to enhancing online load times.

In the past, Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine would compile JavaScript into machine code, on the main thread, just before it completes its tasks. With the latest adjustment, compilation will occur on a background thread in order to allow for more memory and space on the main thread. As a result, web apps should respond much faster.

What caused disruptions or frame losses, with application loading, was that the JavaScript engine was sometimes compiling too often. The system was extremely redundant. The first compilations were designed to do it quickly, but then a second compilation would start to fix any errors. This works fine, but it would take turns, making the process longer. This means the end-user had inconvenient wait times, sometimes losing the applications altogether. If these issues weren’t fixed, it would just be a matter of time before Google Inc., lost its base to another web browser that was more efficient. Fortunately for Google, they are too quick to let that happen.

Google ChromeToday, Google has implemented a way for the compilations to run concurrently. Compilation occurs in a background thread, and web app execution takes place in the main thread. Google engineers found that this method saved at least 600 ms.

As of 2013, Google Chrome has a 39% usage share for web browsers, which makes it the most popular browser globally. Less than a decade ago, Internet Explorer was the most used browser. Nonetheless, Internet Explorer lost users to Google Chrome because Internet Explorer was wrought with one too many security issues, and had slower load times. So, it makes sense for Google to optimize its browser. After all, it must hold on to its place as one of the world’s most valuable tech companies.

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