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Facebook prepares yet another monetization stream, ‘Facebook Fit’ targeting small businesses


Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) is planning a big push into small business advertising. Right now, very few of the small businesses that use Facebook take advantage of the advertising aspects. Facebook is looking to increase revenue from this key area to keep up with Google, as the two giants continue to battle on various virtual playing fields. The new campaign is called Facebook Fit, and will promote Facebook advertising to small businesses through workshops, in five cities around the country.

Many very small businesses use Facebook instead of having their own web page. They are able to pass information on to potential customers through people ‘liking’ posts on their page. As part of the campaign, Facebook has updated some of its advertising technology to make it more user friendly for small business users. One of the new products allows companies to promote a product on other Facebook pages for the bargain price of $10.

FacebookFacebook is hoping that the workshops will encourage small businesses to embrace more of its regular advertising tools as well. The problem is not getting more small business owners to use Facebook as most already have a Facebook page. The issue is making small businesses understand that the advertising options available are good investments, and that they will generate increased revenue.

This is not the first time that Faceboook has tried workshops, but in the past they were based around partnerships with local chambers of commerce, and other types of small business groups. These workshops will be taking place in New York on June 3, Miami on June 19, Chicago on July 10, Austin on July 24 and Menlo Park, California on August 5th.

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