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Facebook email – not to be confused with chat, messages or messenger will be discontined


Recently, Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB) announced that it is putting an end to its email service. The question is, did you even realize Facebook had an email service? Unless you are an avid Facebook user, you probably did not. The email service was offered to users upon sign up; it was not the same as Facebook chat, messages or Messenger. Essentially, you had the option to use it as an email address, but not any longer. Why does Facebook still need an email service? Perhaps it might have made sense 10 years ago, but with all of the current messaging services available; it no longer seems viable.

Facebook also announced that they have been notifying their email users of the changes. So, instead of messages landing in the Facebook email account, they will be redirected to the users linked Gmail or Yahoo accounts. Besides, how many email accounts does one person really need? Moreover, who checks Facebook just for email?

FacebookA Facebook spokesperson asserted, “We’re making this change because most people haven’t been using their Facebook e-mail address, and we can focus on improving our mobile messaging experience for everyone.” Notably, Facebook’s purchase of WhatsApp for $16 billion and $3 billion in stock may be part of that messaging improvement play.

In the same way that email disrupted snail mail, instant messaging is causing a disruption to email services. Take a look at Instagram video; it has caused countless viewers to prefer 6-second videos over 3-minute videos on YouTube. Instant and mobile messaging, texting and so forth make email even less relevant. Although, email is not going away anytime soon; it appears that Facebook is just rolling with the tide.

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