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Drone Captures Amazing Images of Apple Inc.’s Secret ‘Spaceship’ Facility


We don’t really know for sure if hills have eyes but a drone does for sure, and probably more searing than that of an eagle. A drone that flew over a new campus of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), seemingly under construction, caught some amazing imagery on camera, revealing the magnitude and large scale of the facility. The video was uploaded on Youtube recently (see video below) and it went viral within minutes of its upload.

The facility was one of the last things that late Steve Jobs had envisioned before his demise and this facility will indeed look like a spaceship, or at least that is what we can make out of the videos.

Apple 'Spaceship'

The video will add fuel to the Apple mania amidst the release of Iphone 6 and Iwatch. The facility was filmed with a DJI Phantom 2 equipped with a GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition. Although the operator flew the drone under 400 feet, it wasn’t deemed as an aerial trespass since the drone didn’t harm the property, neither does California considers low altitude flights as an aerial trespass .

The magnitude and the vastness is the not the only thing that was revealed about the campus. It’s reported that the campus has an underground passage leading to an auditorium which will enable Apple’s leaders to reach the main stage without encountering the press. Seems like an initiative on Apple’s Chief Tim Cook’s decision to surge up the privacy.

The facility will be quake proof, with base isolators at the foundation which will prevent massive damage in the event of an earth quake.  The base isolators will help the massive facility oscillate during a quake.

The campus will be a marvel of glass and steel, leaving people agape in awe. While Apple Inc.’s Campus at 1 Infinite Loop is decorated with cherry trees, this campus however, will be enamored with cherry, apricot, plum, olive and apple trees, which not only means that the campus will be a beautiful sight in spring, it will also have its own food stock. The groves of apple and plum trees at the center of the facility will make the facility capable of producing its own stock of food for the seasons to come.

The excavations for such features are clearly evident in the videos and pictures floating around the internet. With these revelations, the intrigue of the campus has certainly faded away. Previously the campus was shrouded in a veil of curiosity, the same curiosity that surrounds ‘Area 51’ base. But the video shows distinguished evidence that the campus though enormous in structure and interesting in design, is nothing more than a work-site.

Everything being said, the video will certainly add hype to the Apple fever and give the Apple-crazed tech-blogs something to scribble about. In the long run, it just might prove to be oil in the fire for the upcoming gadgets of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) hasn’t raised any hue and cry about the video, which is further evidence that they don’t consider the video any threat to their secrecy.

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