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Data suggest Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) may launch their own payment system


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is once again the subject of speculation about whether or not an iOS-based mobile payment system is in the works. On the one hand, Apple already has a database of over 800 million credit cards and a robust payment and security system in its iTunes store, and this fact was directly highlighted by Tim Cook in statements accompanying the Q2 2014 revenue report. On the other hand, analysts from such places as Wired ponder whether there is enough money in payment systems to attract the Cupertino firm’s attention.

Some suggestive facts related to this question include:

The data seems to suggest that Apple Inc. (AAPL) is indeed planning, or at least strongly inclined to plan, an entry into the mobile payments field in the near future. The job interviews with payments industry executives are particularly suggestive, since these interviews are corroborated by objective outside information and are not a mere offshoot of rumor. Added to this, the other facts also appear to add up to just one conclusion.

However, if Apple is still in the “job interview” stage for the people to head a new mobile payments division, the launch of this service is clearly quite a distance off. The mobile payments division does not exist yet, has no staff and no directors. This might indicate that “AppleBucks” or whatever the system ends up being called is years in the future, not just months.

However, Apple’s recent explosive transformation of the sapphire crystal manufacturing world with a facility built in just a few months illustrates how quickly the Cupertino firm can achieve a goal if it deems it important enough. Mobile payments are likely not that significant to Apple’s strategy, but there is always a slim chance they are.

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