Countrywide Sued for Discrimination Against Latinos and African Americans

Good job Countrywide as if you didn’t contribute enough to the mortgage crisis now you add fuel to the fire. Lisa Madigan the Illinois Attorney General is suing Countrywide for discrimination against African Americans and Latinos.

Madigan claims that Countrywide (who is now owned by Bank of America) guided African American and Latinos towards riskier subprime loans more often than whites even if they qualified for safer mortgages. On top of this Madigan alleges that Countrywide was charging higher fee’s to these two minorities. So what does Bank of America have to lose because of this? How about a penalty to the tone of 25,000.00 dollars for each violation they are found guilty of.

If you are an Illinois homeowner that thinks you may have been discriminated against by Countrywide contact the Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan with the contact information below. You can read the full details of the law suit at the Illinois Attorney General website.

Phone: 1-866-544-7151