Powerful brands have the capacity to generate business value for their owners. They do this by creating an impact on their revenue, profit margins and much more. This is possible because strong brands have the ability to go past competition by the sheer good will they generate. In … [Read more...]
Functioning of The Stock Market
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Trading Stocks Chapter 2: Different Categories of Stocks Chapter 3: Functioning of The Stock Market Chapter 4: Stock Market and Price Movements Chapter 5: How to Buy Stocks Chapter 6: Choosing Your Investment Strategy Navigate This … [Read more...]
How to Interpret a Company’s Cash Conversion Cycle
Having looked at how we can standardize and calculate a company’s ability to convert its inventory into cash through the cash conversion cycle metric, we can now go into detail about the nuances of interpreting how it is that we would use this metric to gain insights into the … [Read more...]
Limitations on Futures Trading
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Futures Trading Chapter 2: How Futures Trading Works Chapter 3: Futures Terminology Chapter 4: Importance of Futures Market Chapter 5: Limitations on Futures Trading Chapter 6: Factors Affecting Futures Chapter 7: Who Should Use Futures … [Read more...]
Types of Bank Investments
In the wake of the recent recession, the American people have become disillusioned with several market related investment options. Many previously ‘sound’ investments have spiraled down to touch all time lows, wiping out the life time savings of many. For instance the houses, … [Read more...]
Why Trade in the Forex Market
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Forex Trading Chapter 2: History of Money and Origins of Forex Trading Chapter 3: Forex Trading Terminology Chapter 4: Important Aspects of Forex Trading Chapter 5: Players in The Forex Market Chapter 6: Factors that Affect the Forex … [Read more...]
Global Industry Classification Standard to Classify Different Types of Unsystemic Risk
One of the most robust methods of classifying the different kinds of unsystemic risks within an investment portfolio is to have a robust system of determining exactly what kind of business the companies being invested in pursue, and then creating weighted positions across the various … [Read more...]
How to Determine Your Financial Goals
Table of Contents Chapter 1: How to Determine Your Financial Goals Chapter 2: Setting Priorities to Reach Your Financial Goals Chapter 3: Short Term Goals vs. Long Term Goals Chapter 4: Focus on Feasible Financial Planning Goals Chapter 5: Review Your Financial Goals … [Read more...]
Staying Committed to Your Budget
Chapter 1: How to Make a Budget and Stick to It Chapter 2: Creating Personal Budget Goals Chapter 3: Assessing Your Current Financial Situation Chapter 4: Identifying Budget Focus Areas Chapter 5: Staying Committed to Your Budget Chapter 6: Budget Software Commitment is key to … [Read more...]
Estimated Tax Payments
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Manage Your Taxes Chapter 2: Estimated Tax Payments Chapter 3: Capital Gains Tax Chapter 4: Tax Planning & Filing Your Taxes Chapter 5: Lowering Your Tax Liability Chapter 6: Tips for the First Time Tax Payer Estimated Tax You will need to pay … [Read more...]
Typical American Family Financial Management
40% Of Americans Have No Retirement Savings! I wasn't surprised to learn that the typical American family's finances are in chaos. With the average family having a combined savings of less than $4000 dollars and making less than $44,000 dollars per year it's no wonder the economy … [Read more...]
How to be a Successful Forex Trader
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Forex Trading Chapter 2: History of Money and Origins of Forex Trading Chapter 3: Forex Trading Terminology Chapter 4: Important Aspects of Forex Trading Chapter 5: Players in The Forex Market Chapter 6: Factors that Affect the Forex … [Read more...]
Importance of Futures Market
Table of Contents Chapter 1: What is Futures Trading Chapter 2: How Futures Trading Works Chapter 3: Futures Terminology Chapter 4: Importance of Futures Market Chapter 5: Limitations on Futures Trading Chapter 6: Factors Affecting Futures Chapter 7: Who Should Use Futures … [Read more...]
Introduction to Short Selling Stocks
A steep decline in the stock market is bad news for most investors. The more exposure you have to the markets, the more you suffer in a downturn in share prices. But not all investors fear a market downturn. There are some who actually take advantage of it. These are known as short … [Read more...]
Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
Chapter 1: How to Make a Budget and Stick to It Chapter 2: Creating Personal Budget Goals Chapter 3: Assessing Your Current Financial Situation Chapter 4: Identifying Budget Focus Areas Chapter 5: Staying Committed to Your Budget Chapter 6: Budget Software An effective budget … [Read more...]
Who Should Get Involved in Short Selling
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction to Short Selling Stocks Chapter 2: Short Selling Terminology Chapter 3: Short Selling Limitations and Risks Chapter 4: Who Should Get Involved in Short Selling Chapter 5: Factors to Consider before Short Selling Navigate This … [Read more...]
Top 10 Consumer Complaints in America
The Consumer Federation of America, in association with the North American Consumer Protection Investigators regularly publishes reports about consumer experience and consumer protection. The report lists the top 10 consumer complaints in the country based on surveys done in … [Read more...]
How To Save Money Every Month
Chapter 1: Saving Money Chapter 2: Why It's Difficult To Save Money Chapter 3: How To Save Money Every Month Chapter 4: Where and How To Invest Your Money Saving money takes more than just storing pennies in a jar. It is all about setting realistic goals and making the right … [Read more...]
Risks Associated With Investing In Stocks
Chapter 1: Investing In Stocks Chapter 2: Risks Associated With Investing In Stocks Chapter 3: Stock Investing Tips Chapter 4: Where To Actually Invest In Stocks Investments in stocks must be made after considering not only the returns, but also the risks involved. Although you … [Read more...]
401k Plans
Table of Contents Types of Bank Investments Certificate of Deposit Types of IRAs 401k Plans Types of Bond Investments Fixed Income Investing Navigate This Post 401k Plans 401k Plans 401ks are also employee retirement benefit plans, which allow individuals to save for … [Read more...]