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Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone 6 likely to be announced September 9th, sold September 19th


Detailed rumors from Re/Code indicate that the iPhone 6, Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) next generation smartphone, is set to be revealed to the public on September 9th, 2014. Since the retail release date is usually set for the Friday following the first public appearance of the new phone, this means that iPhone 6s are likely to be in the hands of consumers in the U.S. on September 19th, 2014, slightly more than one month in the future.

Though the iPhone 6 is likely to form the core of the media event, this does not mean that other technology will be absent. Eddy Cue, an Apple Senior Vice President, is noted as describing the product rollout for this year as being the best he has seen during two and half decades at the Cupertino electronics company.

iphone 6Numerous individuals, from analysts to investors to executives running competing firms are doubtless waiting with great interest to see what Apple is offering for its autumn 2014 sales season. The iWatch might be announced alongside the iPhone 6, though if rumors of its delay are correct, it may also pass unmentioned, leaving Apple watchers and enthusiasts to seethe with uncertainty for months more.

At least two variants of the iPhone 6, one with a 4.7 inch screen and one with a 5.5 inch screen, are said to be in Apple’s product lineup for late 2014. It is possible that Apple (AAPL) will unveil just one of these models on September 9th, however. Some rumors posit a delay in the 5.5 inch “phablet” iPhone due to materials, manufacturing, or other technical details.
Other sources say the 5.5 inch screen version will be delayed so as not to dent iPad Mini sales. It is just as likely that the new phone will take its place proudly beside the 4.7 inch version on the 9th, however, and on store shelves on the 19th.

After the extraordinary amount of anticipation and speculation that has built up over the course of 2014, however, one thing is certain. Apple will need to provide a spectacular group of unveiled items to live up to expectations, and to continue its sturdy share value growth through the Q4 2014 period and into Q1 2015. After a rocky start, Apple (AAPL) has experienced an unusually good year on the stock market. If the products revealed at the media conference are intriguing enough, this bullish outlook may not only continue but pick up momentum.

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