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Apple Increases App Data Size to 4GB Enabling Better Apps


Apple has recently announced an increase in the size limit for app submissions on App Store from 2GB to 4GB. Since 2008 Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) had been accepting submission with a size limit of 2 GB, which was not favored by app developers as they did not have the capacity to create better apps with enhanced graphics.

Although at the start of 2015 Apple started to accept app submissions which were more than 2GB, however now this change is official and it was posted yesterday on Apple’s official website. Apple’s official announcement regarding this change said that with the implementation of this change the developers will be able to include more media in their app submissions and users will enjoy a more complete and rich experience.

Previously app developers in general and game developers in particular had a hard time in making their apps more attractive as they were bound by the size limit but now that the size limit has been lifted it is expected that the game developers will provide users with high quality games with enhanced graphics and rich media. Apple had improved the display resolutions with its new iPhone 6 and 6 plus which is why the company now wants to accommodate apps with 4GB size through iTunes Connect.

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Apple has a limit of downloading an app with a maximum size of 100 MB and for further downloading a Wi-Fi connection is required. The increase in the app size limit will not have any impact on the downloading limit. So it will be interesting to see how users will react to this dilemma.

Users will be able to have a better gaming experience on their iPhone 6 and 6 plus device within a matter of few months as the developers start to implement the changes in their games to make use of the increased size.

The announcement of the increase in size led to an increase in the purchases made through App store. Apple is a huge company and has many loyal customers, but the experience those customers had with app quality was not all that great, which was quite a mystery because Apple believes in providing its users with the best products.

But if truth be told this move was more for the sake of its better resolution it offered in iPhone 6.

Apple has discontinued the 32GB models iPhones with the launch of its iPhone 6 and 6 plus. The company wants to encourage users to go for either 64 GB or 128 GB models to be able to make use of the storage space. Bigger sized apps take up larger space and with Apple’s current iOS itself needs a lot of space for storage.

Apple Inc.’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) newer and better games are highly anticipated and both the app developers as well as the customers. The question is will this move have any impact on iPhone sales and the answer is no, but Apple’s App Store should continue to see more purchases.

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